Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Grumble Jones January Scenario - GJ079 Woodland Pursuit

It seems  like yesterday I was just completing the scenario pack blog post for 2019 and here we are already with the January 2020 scenario. This month's scenario kicking off the 2020 scenario year is again pulled from an Osprey Publication. Alexander Hill's excellent Soviet Partisan vs. German Security Soldier is the latest in the Osprey Combat series. As I say often, these are must have books. I passed by them for a couple years....but when I looked at them more critically, I realized what great books they are and how well designed they are for creating ASL scenarios. 

Dan Best had an interesting observation about my behavior during our last game. He was telling me about how many scenarios he has in his collection...over 7300...which is amazing! I on the other hand have around 1800...which is more than I can ever play in the life left to me. 

After talking about this Dan said..."Well...I collect scenarios like you collect books."

And yep, Dan had me on that, because I do tend to purchase books more often than new scenario packs. 

I elected to create a scenario based on the April 1943 - German anti-partisan operation code-named Spring Clean. Like many such operations, the goal was to encircle known strongholds and converge on them and clear out all the Partisans caught in the net. In this month's scenario, the action depicts the attempt of the Partisans to escape the German dragnet.  I added some elements like Dogs and Ammo Crates to add a little extra spice to the scenario. We'll see how that plays out.

As always these monthly "Basement Quality" Scenarios are offered for fun only and as a thank you to the readers of this blog.

Remember to open pictures in a new window in order to maximize the size. 

And as always, these scenarios can be downloaded from The ASL Scenario Archive 

(just search on Grumble Jones).

1 comment:

  1. Scenario updated on 1/18/20 to increase number of turns to 7-1/2 and some other minor SSR language clean-up. The updated version is also on the ASL Scenario Archive.
