Thursday, July 4, 2024

Grumble Jones July Scenario GJ138 Into the Simmringen Woods.


As we pass the mid-year mark, it's time for this year's seventh scenario. Now, just a heads up, this one will be GJ138...and GJ137 will follow later. Currently, GJ137 is still in review with our good friend Mark Drake. GJ137 is a two-part Arnhem scenario made specifically to support Mark's annual Arnhem playing in September.

So, this month's scenario will be GJ138 Into the Simmringen Woods. This is a 1945 German-America affair in the early days of April 1945. It's a dense terrain scenario with fanatic Germans holding a wooded area between villages. The Americans will find it difficult to bring their armor and air support to bear on well dug in Germans with machine guns and panzerfausts. It's definitely a head bashing kind of scenario that some will enjoy and others may decry the lack of maneuver caused by the terrain limitations. 

Stephen Fritz's excellent Endkampf provides the source material for this scenario. Stephen does a very good job of presenting some of the later war, small unit actions that can and will fuel many more ASL scenarios.

I highly recommend this book, if you have not had an opportunity to read it.

As always, these monthly "Basement Quality" Scenarios are offered for fun only and as a thank you to the readers of this blog.

Remember to open pictures in a new window in order to maximize the size. 

All Grumble Jones scenarios are available from the ASL Archive website. 

               (Just search on Grumble Jones) 

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