Thursday, March 2, 2023

Grumble Jones March Scenario GJ118 - Ambush at Johannahoeve Farm

The crazy days of late winter and early spring are upon us here in Oklahoma. Never a really good time for weather. This past Sunday broke the record for February tornadoes on a single day. Today could see more unstable activity. But it comes with the territory you might say. This month's scenario is another one set in Arnhem. My buddy Mark Drake does an Arnhem themed playing every September. So, I make a point to deliver a new Arnhem scenario each year with him in mind. 

My old reliable source material is the Osprey Combat Series British Airborne Soldier vs. Waffen-SS Soldier. This is tightly focused on the actions of the 7th KOSB. They would defend the LZ's before moving into the northern portion of the Oosterbeek Perimeter. 

They would give a good accounting of themselves in a variety of situations throughout the Arnhem battle. At the end, very few would be unscathed or uncaptured.

I think, I will have to move on to some other units and portions of the Arnhem campaign for future scenarios. I may have tapped this well pretty good at this point.

And as always, I recommend Osprey's books. Both their Campaign and Combat series titles are excellent both in price and content. A lot of bang for your buck and a nice footprint in your bookshelf. They don't hog the shelf.

The scenario itself is an ambush scenario with HIP British taking on SS Panzergrenadiers in soft skin vehicles. Ambush scenarios are always tricky. The British don't have a ton of AT capability, so knocking out half-tracks won't be a snap, but enough to slow down the SS and perhaps force a fight. 

The SS Player has to make a decision regarding objectives. He has the option for an immediate win by exiting VP's and barring that can win by controlling the victory locations at the farm. The farm had a large barn that will function under the factory rules for entering with a vehicle. So it produces some interesting situations if the Germans move into the barn with half-tracks. It was something different and different can be fun in ASL. But I'll let you be the judge of the fun factor or lack thereof.

Nothing more to say, except thanks to the readers for allowing me to indulge my scenario creative itch. We certainly don't need any more scenarios, but it's fun to put them together, nonetheless. And doggone it Mark needs Arnhem scenarios!!

As always, these monthly "Basement Quality" Scenarios are offered for fun only and as a thank you to the readers of this blog.

Remember to open pictures in a new window in order to maximize the size. 

All Grumble Jones scenarios are available from the ASL Archive website. 

(Just search on Grumble Jones)

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