Monday, October 8, 2018

2018 Grumble Jones Halloween Scenario GJ062 - Jurassic Peiper

October brings Apple Festivals, Candy Corn, crisp morning breezes, and of course the annual Grumble Jones Halloween Scenario. It's become a fun thing to do each year. Zombies have dominated nearly all of the previous efforts. And Germany has been the primary focus of each year's outing. This year's offering is Jurassic Peiper. So the Germany focus has been maintained, but Zombies have been replaced with ravenous dinosaurs!!! 

Isn't it nice to SEE something new!?!

Hopefully, everyone will like a break from the usual Zombie Fare. The backstory for this scenario was in our most recent post and hopefully, you will take the opportunity to read and enjoy the backstory for this scenario. I will admit to enjoying the backstory activities nearly as much as putting together the scenario. 

As we covered in our backstory, Peiper revealed the details of his Jurassic Exploits to American Army Intelligence following his indictment at the Malmedy Massacre Trial. He and his taskforce would travel back in time in order to rescue trapped German Scientists...with Werner von Braun being the most important of these to save.

Peiper and his taskforce would successfully travel back to in time and quickly make contact with the trapped German Scientists. But finding them would be the easy part....

Once they were found, Peiper and his men would have to make their way back to the time portal entry point. But their movements and the noise of their armored vehicles had attracted the unwanted attention of the Jurassic era Predators.

What would follow would be a harrowing attempt to escape the jaws and talons of a host of deadly dinosaur predators.

Peiper and his men along with Werner von Braun would successfully escape...but many of the men in Peiper's taskforce would not be so fortunate.

Peiper and his men found the way to escape...will you be as lucky!?!

So here now is Jurassic Peiper. Hopefully the SSR 's are clear and not too daunting. And as always, I hope this scenario provides a bit of fun.

As always these monthly "Basement Quality" Scenarios are offered for fun only and as a thank you to the readers of this blog.
Remember to open pictures in a new window in order to maximize the size. 

And as always, the PDF's for this scenario can be downloaded from The ASL Scenario Archive (just search on Grumble Jones).

Happy Halloween everyone!

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