Woohooo...I get two of these Bad Boys!!!
Overview of the positions after the completion of Turn 1. This is my second time playing this scenario and as the Russians. So I hope to employ a bit of what I learned from playing it the last time.
I set up with a focused defense on the center crossroads. The Germans swung wide to the north and forced me to move both KV-II's and my infantry in order to prevent a complete end around. My 9-1 with the MMG was in the second floor (see DM'd squad above). They got off one good shot which DM'd an 8-0, a 4-6-7 and KIA'd one 4-6-7. But then the German 9-2 laid on 4 ROF shots with the final shot causing the DM of the stack.
The Germans moved as a group along the north edge. This could be a liability given the short nature of this game. The Germans only have 4 more moves to take buildings. A lot can happen in the next four turns.
The Germans will move into the factory building, but I don't have a good feel yet for where the Turn 2, platoon of 3 MKIII's will come in...north or south...
My reinforcing tanks were moved into hull down positions to await the German assault. Let's hope we are positioned well.
My AA/AT gun is still HIP (shhh..you can see it...don't give it away). I think I have good coverage in the event of either a north or south assault by the MKIII's...but anything can happen in ASL...
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