Sunday, December 8, 2013

December Scenario - GJ002 Daedalus Takes Flight

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  1. Looks cool. It reminds me of the older style ASL scenarios, actually. There's no aftermath section, though. I want to know what happened in real life...The only downside is that I'd rather it were a scenario in which partisans were saving their friends from Nazis.

    1. The aftermath was basically total German success. They captured 15 FFI members and succeeded in making it back to their lines with all of their rescued comrades. It was a pretty remarkable feat. Of course they were all captured by the US when Brest fell a few weeks later. But at least in US captivity, they weren't as likely to have been summarily shot as was a bit more commonplace when captured by the French.

    2. Special Rule 2 doesn't seem like a rule at all. How does it affect play? Also SSR 3 is a little unclear. When you say that "truck contents are only revealed if fired upon..." etc, do you mean only the prisoner counters, or any and all passengers? Also, I believe that technically these should be unarmed units, not that right?

  2. You're right about #2. Basically I added it to explain why the FFI could not set up concealed at that roadblock. The prisoner counter represent unarmed units as you rightly point out. Thanks for the comments Luke. I appreciate them!
