Wednesday, October 2, 2013

AP35 -- Raging in the Bocage continued...

 After a couple week Wednesday opponent and I were back in the saddle and deep in the Bocage. Tonight saw the conclusion of turns 5 and 6. Only a turn and a half remain The Germans made significant progress as their infantry assault on the US left flank has come together into a solid front aiming for the final 4 remaining victory hexes.  The Americans in the center were shattered in Turn 6. Battered and DM'd squads are all that stand between the German wave and victory. Oh and 6 Sherman tanks...
 The German flank attack at one time looked to be heading this direction. The timely arrival of a 6-6-6 and a Sherman dozer tank have secured this area and hopefully for the remainder of the game.
 On the US right flank, my infantry screen got hammered and fell back. But my remaining M-10 hung tough and took out two German tanks at point blank as they both tried to rush past it. Even the Panther went down. I kept ROF and this saved my bacon and both my effect shots were snake eyes. My opponent was not happy with the double snakes, but shook off the body blow.
 The German reserve armor entered on turn 5...but will have a rough time making it to the fighting in time to make a difference...or so I hope...

 A close up of the center and the final German objective. The German infantry are certainly in place to make things very tough. Lots of firepower, morale and panzerfausts. I have the tanks in place, but I need to rally my broken squads in order to hold off the serious German wave of death that is developing.

A final look over the battlefield. Turn 7 looms before us and so my Americans grip their Garands and bazookas tightly...wipe the sweat from their eyes and strain to see the Germans boiling up out of the Bocage....

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