Some scenes from Turn 4's action tonight. I rolled poorly often. Underneath that DM is a broken half-squad and a wounded 9-1, that rolled a 12 at a very bad moment. I have done nothing to my opponent in 4 turns. The only German squad to DM so far came as a result of the sniper. The rest of this game has been all German...all the time with many KIA'd Russians as the stark evidence of my complete failure to do anything...can you feel my ELR dropping...if not...then I'm not whining loudly enough yet!!!
My Cossacks began coverging on the main building and picked up a 6-2-8 here and there to join in the fun.
The Germans are holding their own and actually trying to expand their perimeter by denying my Partisans a key building on the edge of the village. My Partisans can't get close enough to deal any damage and are being broken (by my pathetic rolls) every time they get close.
It's so bad...that the German half-tracks are coming down off the hill to kill stragglers...
Meanwhile back at Castle 9-2, the Germans are feasting are wurst and kraut...wondering if the Russians will ever get serious. OH BUT wait...what's that on the first floor...yeah Ivan is in the house with a 5-2-7 and a 6-2-8...hope you got some potatoes for everybody!!!
These overview pics always seem like a good idea at the time...but yeah...what can you really tell...??
Back on Partisan Heartbreak hill...I'm still being stymied by a single 4-6-7 with an LMG...oh the horror....
Dang...even the jr. German officers are conducting text book fire drills on my hapless Bolsheviks...
And so dear readers...I leave you with another thousand foot view...the agony seems less poignant from here...until next Wednesday...
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