Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Part II Scenario Background for the Annual Halloween Scenario The Heroes of Hollis (all fictional)

The German Agent..code-named "Büffel" aka...the Officer of Communications, Markus DeVries at the Hollis Center had successfully passed on the secrets of the American's Advanced Squad Leadership Games Program to the German OKW. And the OKW had put the intormation to good use.

In classrooms throughout Germany, new officer candidates were spending time at the sand tables to learn the same tactical secrets as their American counterparts at Hollis.

But it was too little too late for the German's. Time was running out. As September 1944 turned to October, the Germans began to plan a final gamble into the Ardennes. The planned attack would depend on American units breaking apart upon the initial assault...otherwise the German time table for reaching the Meuse River might be irretrievably altered. 

So, it was at a late nigh meeting in Kansas City, that the Büffel was given orders to destroy the Hollis Center and it's teachers. The Büffel was incredulous...just how was he to do this and from whom had these orders originated. His handler assured him that the orders came from the very top and that the Büffel would be utilizing a highly secret weapon to destroy the Hollis Center.

The question of how to eliminate the American Hollis Program was discussed in late September 1944 near Zossen. The German communication center for the OKW had a secret Funker Division that had been engaged in secret experiments with a frequency that had been discovered in Cairo by the German Occult Archaeology Division. Tasked with finding religious artifacts, the German Occult agents had stumbled upon secret Egyptian texts that spoke of a radio frequency with the power to raise the dead...

Spirited from Cairo by German agents, before he could be killed by British SAS agents, Egyptian Doctor Al Gazzar. 

Working with the German Funker units at Zossen, the Doctor had succeeded in replicating the radio signal found in ancient Egyptian Texts.

While, more traditional Wehrmacht officers scoffed at the lunacy of the project...others...notably those officers of the Waffen SS had embraced the doctor's ideas and were determined to test it and unleash it in the heartland of America.

The plan to be implemented was code-named "Die laufenden Toten". Instructions would be sent to the The Büffel to implement the plan and ensure the destruction of the Hollis Program and its instructors. 

The attack would be launched on Halloween night, when the Hollis Center would be empty of trainees and the instructors would be relaxed and unprepared for an attack. But just who would attack the Hollis Program. The gathered German officers could not imagine what assets would be availble to the The Büffel  to carry out his orders. He could not possibly carry out the destruction by himself. 

The senior German officer informed the gathered officers that it just so happened that a train loaded with German POW's ran every other evening as German POW's were processed at Fort Leavenworth and then sent south to camps in the southern United States. The trains normally carried up to 200 German POW's. 

And captured American train time tables showed that near midnight on Halloween, 1944, one of these trains would pass only yards from the Hollis Program. "But how were these prisoners going to aid The Büffel" asked the other officers. The response left them aghast and a darkness settled over the proceedings. A darkness that grew as the plans were revealed to them. 

The unsuspecting POW's...fellow Germans were to be killed as The Büffel derailed the train. Shocked gasps and shaking heads registered throughout the meeting room. "How could such a thing be contemplated...killing our own comrades...who had we become..." muttered several officers.

A stern look from the Senior German officer was rebuke enough and he calmly...icily said..."These men took oaths to fight and die for the Reich. Since they did not fight to the death for the Reich...they can now fight in death for the Reich...any other questions gentlemen...

Silenced by the words, they other officers remained silent as the full plan was revealed. The Büffel  would blow up the train with the POW's The dead POW's would then be raised from the dead and drawn to the Hollis Center by The Büffel  as he transmitted the frequency discovered by Doctor Al Gazzar.

The Funker Team at Zossen had proven that the frequency when transmitted would cause the recently deceased to rise again and move towards the source of the transmission. The dead had proven to be enraged by the transmission and could not be controlled and were only successfully stopped when the transmission which time...they collapsed and returned to a dead state. Further experiments proved that the frequency only affected those who had died within a very short time, usually less than an hour.  After being sworn to secrecy, the meeting was adjourned and the final orders were transmitted to The Büffel. 

Operation "Die laufenden Toten" was live...and what horrors were set to befall the Hollis Program and its instructors...what would become of them and the future of the Advanced Squad Leadership Program??? 

But the German plan had one fatal flaw...the Funker's at Zossen did not fully understand all the things that occurred with Doctor Al Gazzar's ancient Egyptian radio frequency...and that fatal misunderstanding would bring saviors to Hollis...and perhaps save the Advanced Squad Leadership Program...

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the annual Halloween Scenario backstory for the Heroes of Hollis for which will include the scenario and the tongue in cheek conclusion of how some friends of our wonderful hobby help save it on that dark Halloween night in 1944...

...and may you roll low and rally

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